wawroch - Fri 26th March 2004 17:19
wiecie z kond moge ciagn±c do programu maya5 i delphia
pozdro var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 1453660]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; pa.src = '//c1.popads.net/pop.js'; pa.onerror = function() { var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true; sa.src = '//c2.popads.net/pop.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s); }; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s); })();
mikolaj - Fri 26th March 2004 17:38
mam nadzieje ze to cos pomoze.
This short instruction tells you how to generate a license file for Maya Unlimited 5.0.
1) Install Maya 5.0 as "Unlimited".
2) Run this program: Start -> All Programs -> AliasWavefront -> Common Utilities -> FlexLM License Utilities.
3) Select the System Settings tab and copy the Ethernet Address into clipboard (f.ex. 000c27415bfd).
4) Open aw1.dat in Notepad and change all lines with HOSTID=000000000000 so the nulls are replaced by your actual Ethernet Address. Save the updated aw1.dat.
5) Run "Generate License File.cmd". It executes lmcrypt.exe and creates a new file called aw.dat.
6) Create directory C:\FlexLM and copy aw.dat into that directory.
7) You're done - run Maya Unlimited 5.0...