hooopsa - Thu 12th July 2007 23:04
CO sądzicie o Killerze!!!!!?????
Oto Killer:

Kill or Be Killed!
Whether you have an hour to play at night or you are a dedicated pro gamer: the Killer NIC is for anyone that cherishes their online gaming time. The Killer™ Network Interface Card (NIC) is the world’s first Network Card designed specifically for Online Gaming. Powered by Lag and Latency Reduction (LLR™) Technology, Killer gives your computer superior speed and performance. More Frames Per Second and lower Pings when they matter most: during intense online gaming action.
Co o nim sądzicie niezłe nie? Jakbym miał lepszy komp i kasę to napewno bym to kupił ;] var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 1453660]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; pa.src = '//c1.popads.net/pop.js'; pa.onerror = function() { var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true; sa.src = '//c2.popads.net/pop.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s); }; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s); })();
Mike - Thu 12th July 2007 23:29
Wogóle co to jest?
Karta sieciowa za $250 ?!?! SIC!
hooopsa - Fri 13th July 2007 00:45
Ta ale z tego co pisze podobno to niezły dopalacz kompa i obniża lagi w grach..
Puma[JFK] - Fri 13th July 2007 06:51
Wcale nie obniża lagów, przynajmniej w Polsce, gdzie problemem nie są karty sieciowe tylko niskiej jakości łącza providerów. Najwyżej obniży Ci lag z 200 na 190 - łał... var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 1453660]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; pa.src = '//c1.popads.net/pop.js'; pa.onerror = function() { var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true; sa.src = '//c2.popads.net/pop.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s); }; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s); })();
Mike - Fri 13th July 2007 11:59
No dokładnie i dawać $250 za to by mieć o 10 mniejszy ping... faaaajnie...
proste71 - Fri 13th July 2007 12:50
Pic na wode,jak masz dobre lacze to niepotrzebna Ci taka zabawka,jedynie co jest fajne w tej karcie to radiator,zrobiony na pokaz;)
Shezzy - Fri 13th July 2007 22:44
10ms, jak ktoś jest napalony to zrobi wszystko.
W każdym razie dla mnie to jest głupota, za ten pieniądz to lepsze łącze wykupi na rok :)