GlacialTech UFO CPU cooler: fan doubled!

marcin255 - Sun 9th November 2008 07:19
GlacialTech UFO CPU cooler: fan doubled!
  GlacialTech is one of Intel’s contractor,suppling bundled CPU cooler for the chip giant. Now they have decided not only focus on OEM business, but also going to branded retail market.
The GPU cooler is one of their top product, utilizing two PWM fan, two 8mm heatpipe and two 6mm heatpipe, providing enough airflow for surrounding components. UFO cooler supports almost all current CPUs including LGA775/1160/1366,Socket 754/939/940/AM2/F.

dalej :http://en.expreview.com/2008/11/06/g...n-doubled.html

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eragonn14 - Sun 9th November 2008 09:16
widziałem foto bez tych obciachowych plastików. Całkiem nieźle wtedy wygląda :D
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