LITEOT 451S@851S przeróbka

dmgary - Tue 15th June 2004 09:41
LITEOT 451S@851S przeróbka
  Czy ktoś przerobił DVDRW Liteon 4x na 8x i jaki jest efekt przeróbki tzn.
Czy chodzą poprawnie , bo u mnie nie wchodzi flash wiesza program do wgrywania . Jak ktoś może podać przepis krok po kroku .
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Soldier of Hardcore - Tue 15th June 2004 10:57
nie da sie tegpo modelu bodajze.... ale tu masz jak masz zrobic n ainnym przykladzie

- How to convert your Lite-on LTR-0841 (8x) to LTR-1210B (12x)

"...Yesterday I came across a bulletin board in Taiwan, in which a guy said that the two BURN-Proof-enabled CD-RW drives made by the Taiwanese company LITE-ON, LTR-0841 and LTR-12101B, are actually the same drive with differences only in the firmware. His arguments are:

1. The two drives look identical in appearance
2. For what other reason should LITE-ON add the BURN-Proof feature for LTR-0841, a low-cost 8x CD-RW, unless it is a repackaged LTR-12101B?
3. Both drives are still being produced in vast volumes. Using the same design for the two drives can save lots of money.

He also told us how to convert the LTR-0841 to LTR-12101B. In his message he has given us a file LS17.zip, which contains a BIN file LS17.BIN and a flashing utility PFLASH.EXE. The steps are really simple:

1. Reboot your PC into a clean DOS prompt.
2. Run PFLASH LS17.BIN /PM /NP /ALL (PM means primary master. If you LTR-0841 is located at another port, use parameters /PS, /SM and /SS for primary slave, secondary master and secondary slave respectively).
3. Shut down your PC.
4. Power up again and you'd get a LTR-12101B!
5. If anything goes wrong you can go back with the following procedure:

First of all you should make a backup of the ls17.bin and then you have to take the ls17.bin and edit it in the HEX-Editor. You have to change the ID for the Drive so that it will show you that the drive is a Ltr-0841. Then you can flash your drive. The ID changes and you can flash the drive again with the original Firmware, which can be found on the page from LiteOn..."

Also (possibly) you will be able to use the latest firmware updates of the LTR-1210B drive.

ZEFIR - Sat 10th July 2004 22:50
ta marka posiada te same produkty co liteon lecz pod inną nazwą i moze firmawe od ich modelu ci pujdzie http://www.4kus.com.tw/download.htm ja swojego liteona tak przerobilem bez problemowo i naturalnie z powodzeniem
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • thierry.pev.pl