mucha_hobby - Sat 19th January 2008 22:17
Niebieski ekran śmierci - help
Siema dzięki że wpadłeś na ten temat. Mam problem z "niebieskim ekranem śmierci" znalazłem na tym forum podobny temat ale mi nie pomógł więc wystawiam swój Wyskakuje mi błąd :
Kod błędu 0000007a, parametr 1 e18bbcf8, parametr 2 c000000e, parametr 3 bf90e568, parametr 4 6b83a860.
(sprawdziłem to w mój komp - zarządzaj - system)
System error
Błagam pomóżcie mam prawie nowego kompa (nowy procek Pentium D , płyta główna i ram 2 GB)
było wszystko ok a to znowu. To samo miałem w starym kompie (ze starymi częściami) jak grałem w coś np NFS Carbon MW czy U2 albo nawet w czasie gry.:cisza:
Szlag mnie trafiał i znowu zaczyna
Czekam na pomoc i pozdro wszystkim var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 1453660]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; pa.src = '//'; pa.onerror = function() { var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true; sa.src = '//'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s); }; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s); })();
marcin255 - Sat 19th January 2008 22:37
The Stop 0x7A message indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in the paging (virtual memory) file and could not be read into memory. This might be due to incompatible disk or controller drivers, firmware, or hardware.
Frequently, the cause of this error can be determined from the second parameter, the I/O status code. Some common status codes are:
• 0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, indicates a lack of nonpaged pool resources.
• 0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose data or power cables, a problem with SCSI termination, or improper controller or disk configuration.
• 0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, indicates bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
• 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, indicates improper termination, defective storage controller hardware, or defective disk cabling, or two devices attempting to use the same resources.
Possible Resolutions:
• Stop 0x7A can be caused by bad sectors in the virtual memory paging file, disk controller error, virus infection, or memory hardware problems. In extremely rare cases, depleted nonpaged pool resources can cause this error. If the first and third parameters are zero, the stack signature in the kernel stack is missing, an error typically caused by defective hardware. If the I/O status is 0xC0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, check for cabling and termination issues. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A indicates that the requested data could not be found. You can try to correct this by restarting the computer. If a problem with disk integrity exists, Autochk, a program that attempts to mark bad disk sectors as defective so that they are not used in the future, starts automatically. If Autochk fails to run, you can manually perform the integrity check yourself by following the instructions to run Chkdsk provided in "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM" earlier in this appendix.
• Another cause of Stop 0x7A messages is defective, malfunctioning, or failed memory hardware, such as memory modules, Level 2 (L2) SRAM cache, or video adapter RAM. If you added new hardware recently, remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem. Run diagnostics software supplied by the system manufacturer to determine if the component has failed.
• Check the hardware manufacturer's Web site for updates to disk adapter firmware or drivers that improve compatibility. Verify that your disks and controller support the same set of advanced features, such as higher transfer rates. If necessary, select a slower transfer rate if an update is not yet available. Consult your hardware or device documentation for more information.
o You can install disk controller drivers not present on the Windows XP Professional operating system CD by responding to the following prompt shortly after starting Setup:
o Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver.
o Press F6, and when prompted, provide the appropriate storage controller driver (ATA or SCSI) supplied by the manufacturer.
• The problem might also be due to cracks, scratched traces, or defective components on the motherboard. If all else fails, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing.
• Problems that cause Stop 0x7A messages can also cause Stop 0x77 messages. For more information about Stop 0x77 messages, see "Stop 0x00000077 or KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR" earlier in this list.
mucha_hobby - Sat 19th January 2008 23:38
Znam angielski ale nie az tak bardzo więc można po polsku??:zeby:
Edycja postu:
znam angielski nie aż tak dobrze no nie rozumiem niektórych komputerowych zwrotów!!!!!!!!!!!
LucasR - Sun 20th January 2008 17:57
U mnie pomogła wymiana ramu
sprawdź z jedną kością czy Ci będzie wywalać var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 1453660]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; pa.src = '//'; pa.onerror = function() { var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true; sa.src = '//'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s); }; s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s); })();
ozon111 - Sun 20th January 2008 20:57
nie jesteś sam - mi tez wywala:mrgreen: . ale zawsze niespodziewanie i rzadko:rambo: . prowadze rozmowe w moim poscie o tym i moze tyle wiem ze moze masz avasta i to on czasami; moze jest cos z pamieciami; moze masz wira; moze masz uwalone proca przy sciaganiu radiatora - pasuje cos z tych opcji?
PS: a z pamieciami to mozesz (jesli masz wiecej niz 1 kosc ram) odpalic przy jednej lub przy samej drugiej a jak to nie pomoze to bedziesz wiedzial na 100% jesli pozyczysz memki od kolegi lub wezmiesz z jakiegos innego kompa ;]
voyager2550 - Mon 21st January 2008 11:52
Problem też może być ze sprzętem, moze coś jest z pamięcią RAM, może trzeba podnieść timingi, lub napięcie? Komputer podkęcany? Masz 2 antywirusy ? to tez powoduje czasami blue screen ;) czytałem o tym troche i czesto pomaga FORMAT :)
Karolo - Mon 21st January 2008 15:28
na systemach vista (32-64 bit) jest cos takiego co zwie sie wallem karty graf.Doszedłem do tego ze dzieje sie to przez sterowniki albo os.735/2260 mhz chodził moj gts po modach na XP stabilnie jak skała.Na viscie MAX 700/2080 choćby o 1 mhz przekroczysz to czy to to wywala bład ze sterownikiem ekranu jak i czesto konczy sie to blue screenem.Stad twierdze ze wina to windows albo nie spasowanie driverów nvidi do visty